Moscow tram - Land tram system in Moscow. The tram first appeared on Moscow streets on 25 March 1899. Tram is even more green than trolleybus and is the safest vehicle.
Moscow tram is operated by the organization MSG.
Tramway forms two isolated networks: the basic and Presnan network in the north-west, serviced by the Krasno-French Trap. The tram lines are now virtually removed from the centre, and only 4,5 km of path remained within the Sadow ring.
In order to implement the Urban Land Transport Development Programme, 264 trams were delivered to Mosgortrans, including the upgrading of 70 Czech T-3 Tracks. In 2010, 23 new low-cost trams were received and 10 Czech T-3 wagons were upgraded.
The low rolling stock of electric vehicles has been entering Moscow since 2009 through the Social Integration Programme for Persons with Disabilities and Others with Limitations. In total, 25 trams (2.6 per cent of the inventory) with a low-lying medium are currently operating on Moscow routes.
In 2011, the Mosgortrans Trucks Truckware was parked 970 units♪ The main tram models used in the Mosgortrans PCO are the Oust-Katave, St. Petersburg, TPZ.
Other innovations in passenger transport have generally been implemented in the rolling composition of the electric vehicles supplied to the MosgorTrans PCO in recent years. This rolling stock is equipped with:
Energy-saving electronic control system and asynchronous traction engines, which meets modern requirements and enables high dynamic performance, smoothing and noise reduction;
On-board diagnostic systems that control the operation of major aggregates during use, an information system that includes electronic routers, electronic plates and synchronized voice informant; and an automatic travel control system.