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The fact that there's a picture of Himmler in the thematic train of photographs of soldiers and historical records, the media found out on 22 October. Igor Semenchenko ' s resignation of Igor to the attention of the Air Force Major General, considered that the presence of such an illustration on a train devoted to the 70th anniversary of victory was offensive.
TJ did not receive a prompt comment from the Moscow Metropolitan representatives, but they had previously explained that the preparation of the train had used documentary material from open sources, and the authors of the survey wanted to recall the historic episode of Himler ' s visit to Minsk.
The entire tragedy of those years cannot be transmitted without the use of documentary photos, including the image of German fascists.
Moscow MetropolitanThe victory train was launched in April 2015, and its design was developed with the Moscow City Council of Veterans. The head of the Metropolitan Metropolitan Metropolitan, Dmitri Pegov and Vice-Mer of Moscow, Maxim Lixut, participated in the ceremony.