The Red Gate (Lermont Square) North Lobby will be temporarily closed from 2 January 2016 for the replacement of escalators. During the refurbishment, passengers will be able to use the Red Gate in the south to enter the station and enter the city.
The Red Gate (Road Gate) south lobby will continue to operate in normal mode, with the exception of the time interval: 8 hours 15 minutes to 9 hours 15 minutes. During this period, the existing lobby will only operate for the exit of passengers into the city, which will be invited to use urban land-based public transport. Also, due to the planned increase in the passenger traffic, an additional cassette module will be opened in the south lobby.
In addition to the replacement of the escalator complexes, major maintenance of the lobby will be carried out, new turnets will be installed, a new cassette room has been upgraded and a new type of police room has been constructed, with a complete review of the passenger area through glass and a video surveillance system. In addition, it is planned to replace engineering networks and metropolitan devices, cable, sanitary and ventilation communications, video surveillance, fire and alarm systems. Restorative work will be carried out by specialists, and the historical architectural publication will be fully maintained.
The closure of the Red Gate station ' s northern lobby will not require compensatory terrestrial routes Urban Transport♪ For passenger convenience, the number of " B " trolleybuses on the side of the " Suhare " station, as well as the " Bq " route to the " Kourski " station, will be increased.