Machine Metro Index

January 25, 2024

Today's update of Yandex. The map was made and reproduced by 20 May 2016.

And as always, a little numbers and pictures:

Buildings are 75,000. Most of them were added in the Moscow, Om and Legorod regions, as well as in the province of Iretia in Georgia.

House in Tower

The address is 29,000. The largest number was added in Tbilisi in Georgia, Moscow and Sverdlovsk, Krasnodar and Vladimir province.

Kirovgrad, Sverdlov region

Roads are 70,000. The most recent sites were in Moscow and Moscow, Tatarstan and Samara province.

Roads to Ryazani

Road names are 2,500. The leaders in their numbers were the Omsk region, Tbilisi and the Republic of Tatarstan.

New roads in Tatarstan

Places are 5,000. The leaders of the number of new organizations were Tatarstan, Donetsk province, Moscow and Moscow Region

New organizations in Casani

Administration: 260 new facilities. Most of them were in Chuvashia, Leningrad, Grodne and Minsk regions.

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