2014 Map Of Metropolitan Moscow

Май 7, 2015

Comments /

Yula (Neytiri M.D.),

I'm sorry, but in a three-dimensional scheme, there's at least one blunt error: the Business Centre station is set at a height of 79 metres from sea level. At the same time, its actual height is 104.10 (at the head of the track).
This communication is not for the author of this great site, just a warning, so that they do not believe the data on the reference from the previous comment.

It is now for the author: the real depth of the TC of about 26 metres, since the RG 104.10 and the daily surface is the ring road around the Central Yard, which is 130 with decimeters (i don't recall how many). I mean, there's no 30 meters, there's no difference with the Exhibition.

PS all data from our Transport Forum.

Answer: Alexei

Thank you, Yula! These are valuable remarks!
Data for the Business Centre vary from 22 to 30 metres. I'll try to figure it out!


Hello, Alexei, would you please make a development scheme for the Moscow Metropolitan?

Such schemes are on the Internet, several species. Like Vikipedia:

Thank Alexei for the scheme. development of the Moscow Metropolitan


Hello, Alexei!
Thank you for the schemes, very convenient and interesting!
There's one request, if you could use Mos. Do you want metro for a competition in all options to update until today? Thank you!

Hello, Alexei!
Thank you for the schemes, very convenient and interesting!
There's one request, if you could use Mos. Do you want metro for a competition in all options to update until today? Thank you!

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